What if I’m not okay?
How the hell did we end up here?
(I ask myself while turning up the audiobook I’ve been losing myself in so I don’t hear the answer).
I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling intense uncertainty right now around what’s on the horizon for the causes I care about and the people I love. But even knowing that there are others in the same boat, it still feels incredibly dark and I do feel alone.
I think a lot of people do.
With all the news and social media noise drowning me everytime I’m near my phone, I’m finding it really hard to strike a balance between being up to date with what’s happening/staying informed and noncomplacent, and giving myself space and quiet to hear what I need.
I’m so tired.
As a business owner I’m struggling with the urge to cut ties with social media + not support billionaires with meta engagement, while at the same time looking back at the small community I’ve built and not knowing if doing that would crush everything I’ve tried to achieve with The Grizzled Moon and my art, OR if that’s just what I’ve been conditioned to believe, that I NEED social media in order to be successful and “a part of the pack”.
When I look back on my life, one of the main consistent threads I see is that heartbreak has always been a constant companion, in many different forms, but it’s writing what I think and reading what I trust that has always gotten me out of it.
I’ve always loved the freedom and honesty that comes with a good blog, and maybe in this time of uncertainty and overwhelming sadness being more consistent in a media that doesn’t feed into fear but empowers me to start stepping through it, is the right beginning for me.
For now, what feels good is stepping back from social media and stepping forward into creating art that empowers, and writing about it.
And to those who need that too, you will always find safety here.