a pause between life’s chapters,

a deep breath before a big decision,

the quiet needed to hear your own heart,

Sacred spaces come in all forms and moments, whether it’s looking at a dramatic ridgeline, holding a piece of art that I hold dear, a walk in a quiet place or a cup of coffee with a friend, we all find our own sacred spaces in life.

We live in a world that tends to villainize a delay, pressuring us to always be moving forward with no time to pause in between.

Allowing those pauses a space to breathe have allowed some of the biggest moments of clarity in my life.

This collection is a reflection of some of the wild places that I found my own personal Sacred Space within. The hum of the breeze whirring through a deep canyon, the quiet of the trees in the early mornings, a million stars leaking out across the sky.

My hope with this collection is that there is something here that sparks a needed reflection in you as it sparked a needed reflection in me.

Thank you for being here.

Welcome to The Sacred Space Collection

  • "Summer's turning"

    With my feet firm on the warm nights of summer, I look up towards the crisp moon's glow and know change awaits me.

    12" x 12" Woodburn & Goache


  • "The Gift"

    I root down in the freedom of my wings the wild gifted me.

    16" x 16" Woodburn & Goache


  • "layered lessons"

    In the quiet wild I can finally hear them, the echoes of lessons learned before me, the layered past beneath my feet and the endless sky above me.

    12" x 12" Woodburn & Goache


  • "the waiting pines" - I

    On the ridge, in the quiet we rest. Rooting down in this wild place and knowing we are held.

    3" x 2" Woodburn


  • "the waiting pines" - II

    On the ridge, in the quiet we rest. Rooting down in this wild place and knowing we are held.

    3" x 2" Woodburn


  • "the waiting pines" - III

    On the ridge, in the quiet we rest. Rooting down in this wild place and knowing we are held.

    3" x 2" Woodburn


  • "Unbinding Night"

    Nothing unbinds my mind like a night painted in starlight, I watch amongst the trees and hear who I am.

    12" x 12" Woodburn & Goache


  • "mother moon"

    By the full moon's light I'm called forward on my path, "Action, little darling." I hear her whisper from above, "Action."

    12" x 12" Woodburn & Goache


  • "structured magic"

    In wild places I find the stars are aligned with every breath of my being, holding space for my heartache and whispering "Forward."

    12" x 12" Woodburn & Goache


  • "nourishing void"

    In the pause I rest, gaining my strength and hearing my heart.

    6" x 6" Woodburn


  • "emerald ground"

    Standing here in the quiet I feel the call rise through me, and know I'm held.

    6" x 6" Woodburn & Goache


  • "flowing sky"

    The currants of my life flow smoothly above me, gently weaving all I've been and all I will be.

    6" x 6" Woodburn & Goache


  • "final clarity"

    With a deep breath I rise through my new found clarity, "Finally."

    6" x 6" Woodburn


  • "early light"

    I find my breath in the early light, and together we find my self.

    6" x 6" Woodburn & Goache


  • "sacred grounding"

    Your grounding roots will calm your soul little firestarter, keep watch and know peace.

    6" x 6" Woodburn & Goache


  • "finding light"

    With enough courage to keep growing through the uncertainty, the light of the moon will always find me.

    12" x 12" Woodburn & Goache

